The Hong Kong Bird Report 1993 一九九三年香港鳥類報告
- Notes,短文: Yellow-bellied Bush Warbler in Hong Kong 香港的黄腹山樹鶯
- Winter Waterfowl Counts 1992-93 1992-93年度冬季水禽調查
- Notes,短文: Wilson's Storm Petrel and other seabird records from the South China Sea during April 1992 1992年四月在南中國海錄得的黃蹼洋海燕和其他海鳥
- Weather and bird migration in Hong Kong 天氣與香港的鳥類遷徙活動
- 1993年鳥類報告: Systematic List 分類總覽
- Birds new to Hong Kong,香港新紀錄品種: Smew at Mai Po: the first record for Hong Kong 米埔的斑頭秋沙鴨:香港首個紀錄
- Birds new to Hong Kong,香港新紀錄品種: Rufous-gorgetted Flycatcher in Tai Po Kau: the first record for Hong Kong 橙胸鶲:香港首個紀錄
- Report on a WWF Hong Kong survey of nesting swifts and swallows 世界自然(香港)基金會一次關於雨燕和燕子築巢的調查
- Report on Bird Ringing in Hong Kong in 1993 1993年香港環志鳥類報告
- Report on the birds 1993,1993年鳥類報告: Records Committee Report 紀錄委員會報告
- Photospot: Saker Falcon 影集:獵隼
- 1993年鳥類報告: Monthly summaries 每月簡報
- Birds new to Hong Kong,香港新紀錄品種: Middendorff's Grasshopper Warbler: the first record for Hong Kong 北蝗鶯(指名亞種):香港首個紀錄
- Juvenile terns in Hong Kong: a summary of identification 幼年燕鷗:辨別方法簡介
- Hong Kong Christmas Count 1993 1993年香港聖誕鳥類普查
- Guidelines for Submission of Records 提交觀鳥紀錄的指引
- Birds new to Hong Kong,香港新紀錄品種: Grey Phalarope: the first records for Hong Kong 灰瓣蹼鷸:香港首輪紀錄
- Notes,短文: Great Barbet eating a lizard 吃蜥蜴的大擬啄木鳥
- Food preference and fruit handling techniques of Japanese White-eyes and the ecological implications 暗綠繡眼鳥的食物偏好和處理果實的技巧及其在生態學上的意義
- Eurasian Reed Bunting: a brief review of its identification 蘆鵐:辨別方法的檢討
- Editorial Note 編者的話
- Current status of Scaly-sided Merganser in China and its distribution in winter 中國境內的中華秋沙鴨的情況及冬季的分佈
- Birds new to Hong Kong,香港新紀錄品種: Chestnut-tailed Starling: a new species for Hong Kong 灰頭椋鳥:香港首個紀錄
- Census and population status of Black-faced Spoonbills during winter 1993-1994 1993-94 黑臉琵鷺的統計
- Breeding of the Hoopoe in Hong Kong 戴勝在香港的繁殖
- Birds new to Hong Kong,香港新紀錄品種: Blue-throated Flycatcher in Ho Chung Woods: the first record for Hong Kong 藍喉鶲:香港首個紀錄
- Birds new to Hong Kong,香港新紀錄品種: Bay Woodpecker in Tai Po Kau: a new species for Hong Kong 黃咀噪啄木鳥:香港首個紀錄