Peak Cafe 山頂餐廳

山頂餐廳原為建造山頂纜車的英國工程師的工作間及宿舍,後於1901年改建為「轎子停放處」,供停放公共及私人轎子之用。從舊照片可知,現存建築物與原貌有許多不同之處,其中包括以前用混凝土建成的開放式拱門,現已裝上大門;原以鋼筋承托的木製桁架,目前則以磚塊及混凝土支撐,豎立在承重石壁上。不過,究竟有若干部分仍保存原貌或曾經翻新,現已無從稽考。1947年,建築物改建為餐廳。The Peak Cafe building was originally built in 1901 as a chair shelter for both private and public sedan chairs. Prior to this, the site housed a workshop and shelter for the British engineers responsible for the construction of the Peak tramline. The present structure bears little similarities with the original as can be seen in old photographs - open arches built with concrete have been fitted with doors; the wooden truss with steel reinforcement now sits on a brick and concrete wall on top of the load-bearing stone walls. It is difficult to ascertain how much of the original has been retained or refurbished. In 1947, the building was converted into a cafe.
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