Residence of Sir Robert Hotung, the Mid-Levels 何東爵士位於半山的住宅

圖中的花園為殷商何東爵士位於西摩道8號的府邸。由於該住宅外牆給髹上紅色,故又有「紅屋」之稱。該大宅佔地十二萬五千多平方呎,四周有花園圍繞,北臨海港。何東家族在那裡住了六十年。何東死後,其後人將住宅賣掉,發展商把它拆卸改建。The garden in the centre is the residence of Sir Robert Hotung, “Idlewild“ on No. 8 Seymour Road. As the building was painted red, it was popularly known as the Red House. Occupying an area of more than 125,000 square feet, the house was surrounded by beautiful gardens and had scenic harbour views. The Hotung family lived there for sixty years, but after the death of Sir Robert Hotung, the house was sold and rebuilt.
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