No. 115 Caine Road, the Mid-Levels 半山堅道115號
This building has the characteristic classical treatment of its period: rusticated ground floor, with arched door and windows with keystones. A first storey with Doric columns, and a lighter third storey repeating the arches and keystones of the ground floor. There is a basement which receives its light from open wells protected at street level by iron railings.這座建築物具有當時的古典建築特色:地面一層的門口及窗戶呈拱形及有拱心石,二樓建有多利斯式圓柱,三樓的建築與地面的一層的建築相近,同樣有拱形窗戶及拱心石。門前的鐵欄杆,是用作保護採光井,使地下室有充足的光線。