Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan 上環文咸東街

The Bonham Strand and Bonham Road in the Mid-Levels are all named after the third Governor, Sir S. George Bonham (1848-1854). The name of Bonham Strand indicates that the area was once a sandy shore. The signboard of the Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society is clearly seen on the right. Established in 1910, the Society was first located in Mercer Street until 1933 for demolition and re-development. So the Society had to move to its temporary office at 52 Bonham Strand. An archway erected for the celebration of the Silver Jubilee of King George V is found at the centre, thus indicating that it was taken in May that year. The Society moved back to Mercer Street one month later when the new building was completed and inaugurated.文咸街與半山般咸道同是以第三任總督喬治‧文咸(1848至1854年)命名。文咸街的英文名稱是Bonham Strand,顯示了那裡原為海旁淺灘。照片右方可看見金銀業貿易場的招牌。金銀業貿易場創立於1910年,場址在孖沙街,至1933年拆卸改建,金銀業貿易場暫時遷往文咸東街52號。圖中所見就是金銀業貿易場位於文咸東街的臨時場址;街中牌樓是為了慶祝英皇喬治五世登基銀禧紀念而搭建的,可知此照片攝於該年的五月。而金銀業貿易場位於孖沙街的新廈則在一個多月之後啟用。
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