Hung Lau, Tuen Mun 屯門紅樓

紅樓現位於龍門路中山公園內,毗鄰青山農場。紅樓坐西北向東南,背枕杯渡山,前瞻屯門海及大嶼山。清末時,今蝴蝶邨一帶人跡罕至,對外交通只靠水路,故相傳紅樓成為當時興中會革命黨人之聯絡站。據說當年孫中山先生等革命黨人策動之惠州庚子起義及黃花崗之役,起義人員曾於紅樓籌劃行動,並用作集體宣誓及軍械糧食補給地。因此,紅樓對中國國民革命起過重大作用。此外,中山公園內還有孫逸仙(孫中山)博士紀念碑、孫中山先生半身塑像、遺訓銘文、革命先烈種植之桄榔樹等。Hung Lau is now located in Chung Shan Park at Lung Mun Road and adjacent to Castle Peak Farm. Hung Lau faces southeast with Pui To Peak at its back, overlooking the sea off Tuen Mun and facing Lantau Island further across it. The area near the present Butterfly Estate was uninhabited in the late Qing Dynasty and was accessible by water transport only. Legends leave it that Hung Lau became a base for the revolutionaries of the Revive China Society. It was said that secret meetings convened by Dr. Sun Yat-sen and other revolutionaries for planning the Huang Hua-Gang Uprising and the Huizhou Uprising took place at Hung Lau. It was also where they took oath and got their ammunition and food supplies. Thus, Hung Lau has been of great significance to the Nationalist Revolution. A monument to Dr. Sun, a bust of him, a reproduction of his will and a gomuti palm tree planted by the revolutionary martyrs can also be found in Chung Shan Park.
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