Bowrington Canal, Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣鵝頸涌

The bridge arcoss the Canal was known to the locals as “Goose Neck“ Bridge because the water from Wong Nai Chung, upon leaving, became a long, narrow river, which resembled the neck of a goose. Banyan trees are seen on both sides of the river. This picturesque scene was at one time considered by the Chinese as one of the Eight Fabulous Scenes of Hong Kong. The “Goose Neck“ Bridge has become part of Hennessy Road.由於黃泥涌的涌水流至此處形成一條又窄又長的小河,狀似鵝的頸部,所以才有這樣的名稱。圖中可見涌的兩岸遍植榕樹,這裡就是「香港八景」之一的「鵝澗榕蔭」了。那座橫跨鵝頸涌上的橋即「鵝頸橋」,今日已成為軒尼詩道的一部分。
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