Tao Fung Shan Christian Centre, Sha Tin 沙田道風山基督教叢林

The Tao Fung Shan Christian Centre is situated at the Tao Fung Shan, Sha Tin. It was established by the Norwegian evangelist Dr. Karl L. Reichelt in Hong Kong In 1930 and designed by a famous Danish architect, Johannes Prip-Moller. The Centre preaches Christian doctrines through traditional Chinese cultural arts. The temple-like buildings such as the Chapel, the map of the whole Tao Fung Shan and the bible stories inscribed on the colourful porcelain in the Centre are in Chinese style. The Centre includes many facilities such as a church, a library and a shop selling hand-painted porcelain and handicrafts. The Chapel and the Pilgrim’s Hall are also available for Sunday worship and retreats. A big cross to the east of the Centre stands 12 metres high is the hallmark of the Centre.道風山基督教叢林位於沙田道風山,是挪威宣教士艾香德博士於1930年在香港創辦,由丹麥著名建築師艾術華設計。道風山基督教叢林是一個以中國傳統文化藝術手法去宣揚基督福音教義的地方。叢林的寺院式建築,例如其聖殿的外型,叢林內的道風山全圖、聖經故事彩瓷等,充滿中國風格。叢林內有教堂、圖書館及藝術繪瓷店。教堂的聖殿和雲水堂可作主日崇拜及退修避靜之用。叢林的東面屹立著一大十字架,高12米,是叢林的標誌。
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