Memorial Hall of Buddhist Moo Fung, Tung Po Tor Temple, Tsuen Wan 荃灣東普陀講寺內的茂公紀念堂

The Tung Po Tor Temple was completed in 1932 for the worship of the Kwun Yum (Goddess of Mercy). There is a big bronze tripod in front of its main hall and the place on which the tripod stands was made in a blast during the Sino-Japanese War. The temple was founded by the Buddhist Moo Fung. The articles used by Moo Fung and the yellow sateen, the Five Garments and the Bag given by the Emperor of Japan are in display in the Memorial Hall. The temple also displays a statue of a Buddhist medical practitioner that is cast in ancient bronze in the Ming Dynasty.東普陀講寺創建於三十年代,1932年落成,圓通寶殿,供奉觀音大士,大殿門前安放大銅寶鼎,寶鼎擺放位置乃是中日戰事之時,炸成巨穴之處。開山祖師茂峰老法師,住世時所用之物品,日皇所贈之黃緞五衣及法袋,均仍存放於紀念堂之內。此外,於明朝鑄造的古銅藥師佛,仍然保留至今。
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