Man Mo Temple, Sheung Wan 上環文武廟
位於荷李活道的文武廟,建於1847年。廟內供奉的是文昌帝君和關聖帝君,俗稱「文、武二帝」。此廟為本港首批崛起的華人領袖所興建,位於當時華人商住區的心臟地帶,至1851年改建成今日之規模。廟旁的公所(照片右方)為開埠初期華人解決訴訟的地方。The Man Mo Temple in Hollywood Road, dedicated to the gods of literature (Man) and war (Mo), was erected here in 1847. Located at the Chinese residential-cum-commercial centre, the temple was built by the first group of local Chinese leaders, and was enlarged to its present size in 1851. The kung-so or public meeting hall (right side of the photo) adjacent to the temple served as the court of justice for the Chinese in the early days.