Tai Po Market Railway Station 大埔墟火車站

While the other stations along the Kowloon to canton Railway were built to a standard design, the station at Tai Po Market was built in Chinese style. Construction work was completed in 1913. The external features of the facade, roof and decorations were patterned upon a Chinese structure. Internally, it was designed to function as a railway station. The station was made redundant by a new one in a nearby location in 1983. It was then fully restored and now houses the Hong Kong Railway Museum.鐵路沿線火車站以往均有劃一設計,唯獨大埔墟火車站按照中國傳統建築風格建成。火車站建於1913年,正面、屋頂及裝飾等均具中國建築特色,但火車站的內部則按火車站運作需要而設計。1983年新大埔火車站建成,代替原來的車站。舊大埔墟火車站經全面修復後,改作香港鐵路博物館。
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