Longjin Bridge, Kowloon City 九龍城龍津橋

長約二百米的龍津橋建於1873年,是接連九龍寨城的登岸碼頭。石橋末端建有一亭,曾用於迎接中國官員,又稱為「接官亭」。隨後因地區的發展需要,石橋及前九龍城碼頭曾經歷多次維修和改動;二次大戰日據時期,石橋及前九龍城碼頭於1942年被埋。直至在實施啟德發展計劃的過程中,發現龍津橋遺跡。Built in 1873, the 200-metre-long Longjin Bridge was once the landing pier connecting the Kowloon Walled City. Situated at the landward end of the bridge, a pavilion was once used for greeting Chinese imperial officials, known as “Pavilion for Greeting Officials“. The Bridge and the former Kowloon City Pier had been modified or repaired many times due to district development. They were buried in 1942 during the Japanese occupation in the Second World War. It was not until the implementation of the Kai Tak Development that the Bridge remnants were unearthed.
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