Fortune teller’s booth, Possession Point, Sheung Wan 位於上環水坑口的算命攤子
Possession Point was originally named Tai Hang Hau (Big Puddle). Before Hong Kong was developed into a city, Hang Hau was located at today’s Main Road and its water flowed into Victoria Harbour. In 1841 the British soldiers landed there and named it the Possession Point. The continual development of the place had led to the blockage of the big puddle, and a road called Possession Street was built there. The street is called “ Shui Hang Hau Street“ in Chinese signifying the big puddle which was once there. Its English name, Possession Street, remains unchanged.水坑口原稱大坑口。開埠前,坑口位於今大馬路間,坑水流入維多利亞港內。1841年英軍於該處登陸,命名為佔領角。其後該處不斷發展,大水坑被填塞。該處闢建的馬路,初名波些臣街,後因該處原為一大水坑,故改稱水坑口街,惟英文名稱仍為Possession Street。