The Botanic Garden (Botanical Gardens), the Mid-Levels 半山植物公園

香港動植物公園位於扯旗山的北面山坡,最高處海拔一百米,而最低處則為海拔六十二米。香港動植物公園佔地五點六公頃,於1871年建成,當時名為植物公園,直至1975年正式易名為「香港動植物公園」,以反映對野生動物所作的努力。其建築工程於1860年展開,並於1864年把第一期設施開放給市民使用。因園址在1841至1842年曾用作總督官邸,故此,不少人至今仍稱動植物公園為「兵頭花園」。圖片近右上方可以看見港督府的塔樓。The Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens (HKZBG) is located on the northern slope of Victoria Peak with a highest point of 100 metres and a lowest point of 62 metres above sea level. HKZBG, occupies an area of 5.6 hectares was founded in 1871 as a Botanic Garden and renamed in 1975 as Botanical and Zoological Gardens to reflect the increased commitments to zoological exhibits. Construction works of the Garden started in 1860 and the first stage was opened to the public in 1864. Having served as a temporary Government House from 1841 to 1842, the Garden was still called “Bing Tau Fa Yuen“ by the Chinese. The tower of the Government House can be seen near the top right.
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