Tin Hau Temple, Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣天后廟

銅鑼灣天后廟約於十八世紀初由戴氏家族所建。戴氏原為廣東客家人,初時在九龍舊啟德機場附近一條今已湮沒的村落定居。戴氏常到銅鑼灣岸邊割草,相傳其中一些族人在岸邊拾得一具神像,並為其立祠供奉。由於到來上香的漁民日漸眾多,遂籌募經費,興建一座正式的天后廟。<br/><br/>銅鑼灣天后廟是本港眾多供奉天后的廟宇之一,雖曾數度修繕,但大致仍維持原狀,是同類廟宇建築的佳作。該廟現時仍由戴氏家族管理。The Tin Hau Temple in Causeway Bay was built by the Tai family probably in the early 18th century. The Tai family are Hakkas from Guangdong who first settled in Kowloon in a village now lost beneath the former Kai Tak Airport. The family used to go to Causeway Bay to gather grass and, according to legends, some members of the family found a statue of Tin Hau in the rocks near the shore. They then erected a shelter for it and, as the shrine became popular with the boat people who made donations, a proper temple building was subsequently constructed. <br/><br/>This Temple is one of the many dedicated to Tin Hau, goddess of the sea, and is a fine example of temple architecture of the period, still largely in its original form despite subsequent renovations. The temple is still under the management of the Tai family.
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