Hong Kong Bird Report 1995 一九九五年香港鳥類報告
- Birds new to Hong Kong,香港新紀錄品種: 'Mew' Gull: the first record for Hong Kong and the identification and systematics of Common Gull forms in East Asia 屬北美亞種的海鷗:香港首個紀錄及亞洲東部海鷗的辨識問題
- Notes,短文: Apparent camouflage posture of Painted Snipe 彩鷸的「隱身」姿勢
- Baikal Teal in South Korea 在南韓過冬的花臉鴨
- Black Kite counts during 1995 1995年有關香港的鳶的統計調查
- Birds new to Hong Kong,香港新紀錄品種: Black Redstart on Ping Chau: the first record for Hong Kong 平洲的赭紅尾鴨:香港首個紀錄
- Notes,短文: Black-faced Laughing Thrush and Black-necked Starling attempting to eat Asian Painted Frog 黑頂噪鶥和黑領椋鳥嘗試吃亞洲錦蛙
- Birds new to Hong Kong,香港新紀錄品種: Black-headed Bunting: the first records for Hong Kong 黑頭鵐:香港的首輪紀錄
- Birds new to Hong Kong,香港新紀錄品種: Brown Booby: the first record for Hong Kong 褐鰹鳥:香港首個紀錄
- Birds new to Hong Kong,香港新紀錄品種: Brown-chested Flycatcher: the first record for Hong Kong 白喉林鶲:香港首個紀錄
- Notes,短文: Crested Mynah kleptoparasitising Chinese Ponds Heron chicks 八哥被利用為池鷺孵育雛鳥
- Editorial Note 編者的話
- Field identification of Citrine Wagtail and races of Yellow Wagtail in Hong Kong 如何在野外識別黃頭鶺鴒和黃鶺鴒在香港的三個亞種
- Field identification of Yellow, Schrenck's and Chestnut Bitterns 如何在野外識別黃斑葦鵝、紫背葦鳽和粟葦鳽
- Forest birds of Southeast China: observations during 1984-1996 中國東南部的林鳥
- Habitat utilisation by feeding Little Egrets from a Tsim Bei Tsui egretry 關於尖鼻咀一個鷺鳥林的小白鷺往何處覓食的研究
- Birds new to Hong Kong,香港新紀錄品種: Manchurian Reed Warbler: the first records for Hong Kong 東北稻田葦鶯:香港的首輪紀錄
- Report on the Birds 1995,1995年鳥類報告: Monthly Summaries 每月簡報
- Photospot: female Black Redstart 影集:赭紅尾鴝雌鳥
- Report on the Birds 1995,1995年鳥類報告: Records Committee Report 紀錄委員會報告
- Report on Bird Ringing in Hong Kong in 1995 1995年香港環志鳥類報告
- Notes,短文: Richard's Pipit eating bread 吃麵包的田鷚
- Notes,短文: Some notes on a voyage from Hiroshima to Hong Kong 廣島至香港旅途中札記
- Spot-billed Ducks in Hong Kong 香港的斑咀鴨
- Report on the Birds 1995,1995年鳥類報告: Systematic List 分類總覽
- Notes,短文: The first record of Blackbird breeding in Hong Kong 首次錄得烏楝在香港進行繁殖
- The status of Saunders' Gull on the east coast of China 黑咀鷗在中國東部沿岸的情況
- Winter Waterfowl Counts 1994-95 1994-95年度冬季水禽調查