Hung Shing Temple, Wan Chai 灣仔洪聖古廟

Built before 1847, Hung Shing Temple at Queen’s Road East used to overlook the waterfront. Now, after a century of reclamation, the tiled roof one-hall building founded on large boulders against the rugged terrain behind stands in the town centre, with a striking appearance amid modern commercial and residential buildings. Most of Hung Shing’s worshippers pay tribute to him and pray for their future well-being on every 1st and 15th day of the Lunar Calendar and the birthday of Kwun Yum (Goddess of Mercy).洪聖古廟位於皇后大道東,在1847年前建成。廟內只有一間廳堂,其屋頂舖有瓦塊,是一座簡單的古廟,過去可俯瞰整個海灣。經歷了百多年及多項填海工程後,這座建基於巨石、依山而築的廟宇,現已被現代商住樓宇包圍,顯得份外突出。洪聖的信眾都在農曆初一、十五及觀音誕到古廟祈福。
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