Queen’s Road looking west from Battery Path, Central District 從中環炮台里向西眺望皇后大道

Before the British arrived in Hong Kong there was a path that ran along the northern shore of Hong Kong Island. It was known as Kwan Tai Lo. In 1841 the Royal Engineers laid a new road on top of the towpath and named this highway Main Street, but on 22 March 1842 the road was officially renamed Queen’s Road after the young Queen Victoria. This postcard was taken a quarter of a century later from the top of Battery Path looking west. On the right hand side of the road is Pedder Street Clock Tower. The building in front of it is the Hongkong Hotel. The towers of the first Roman Catholic Cathedral (The Hong Kong Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception) in Wellington Street are visible on the left of the postcard.英國人來香港之前,沿著港島北岸有一條通路,名叫群帶路。1841年,皇家工程師在群帶路上建造新的道路,名叫Main Street。1842年3月22日,這條道路正式被命名為皇后大道。此明信片在炮台里拍攝。皇后大道右方可見位於畢打街的大鐘樓,大鐘樓前方是香港大酒店。明信片左方可見座落於威靈頓街最古老的羅馬天主教堂(香港天主教聖母無原罪主教座堂)的塔樓。
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