Main Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pok Fu Lam 薄扶林香港大學本部大樓

本部大樓是香港大學內歷史最悠久的建築物,於1910至1912年間由麼地爵士捐款興建。大樓由利安建築事務所設計,設有兩個庭院,採用後文藝復興時期的建築風格,用紅磚及花崗石建造,正面以四座塔樓連接,中央為一座鐘樓(1930年由遮打爵士捐款興建)。1952年,大樓南面增建了兩個庭院;1958年,末端大樓加建一層。本部大樓原是醫學及工程系的課室及實驗室,現供文學院各學系使用。大樓中央的禮堂以陸祐先生命名,紀念他早年對香港大學的捐助。本部大樓於1984年列為法定古蹟。The Main Building, the oldest structure in the University of Hong Kong, was a gift from Sir H.N. Mody and designed by Messrs Leigh & Orange. Built between 1910 and 1912, it comprised originally of two courtyards conceived in the Post-Renaissance Style in red brick and granite. The main elevation is articulated by four turrets with a central clock tower (a gift from Sir Paul Chater in 1930). Two courtyards were added in the south in 1952 and one floor in the end block in 1958. It was originally used as classrooms and laboratories for the Faculty of Medicine and Engineering and is now home of various departments within the Arts Faculty. The central Great Hall is named after Mr. Loke Yew, a benefactor of the University in its early years. It became a declared monument in 1984.
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