Amah Rock (Mong Fu Shek), Sha Tin 沙田望夫石

The Amah Rock is located at a hill top to the southwest of Sha Tin. The height of the rock is almost the sum total of six to seven men standing on top of one another. The shape of the rock resembling a woman carrying a baby at her back bore a poignant story that has been passed on from generation to generation in Sha Tin. The legend tells of a woman whose husband had sailed overseas to make a living. Failing to hear from him since then, the woman waited, day and night for the return of her husband on the hill top carrying a baby at her back. An unexpected thunderstorm, however, swept through on a fatal day turning the woman and her baby into the now well-known Mong Fu Shek.望夫石矗立在沙田西南面的小丘之上。這塊大石約有六、七人高,外形仿似一個背著小孩的婦人。有關望夫石的悲慘故事可謂家傳戶曉,對沙田的居民來說更是耳熟能詳。傳說有一個婦人,她的丈夫以出海捕魚為生。一天,丈夫出海後下落不明,音訊全無。於是,婦人每天背著小孩走到山上,等待丈夫回來,風雨不改。一天,婦人背著小孩如常在山上等候丈夫歸來,忽然雷電大作,風雨交加。第二天,這個婦人和她的小孩就變成了一塊大石,這就是後來著名的望夫石。
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