Interflow, no. 78 (1997 October)
- RESEARCH,學術研究: Waveman - calming the waves of Victoria Harbour 浪奔、浪流、維港滔滔海水或可休
- CAMPUS NEWS,校園動態: Vice-Chancellor delivers two papers on Higher Education in Asia 校長鄭耀宗教授於內地教育會議及論壇上發表文章
- CAMPUS NEWS,校園動態: Two new Pro-Vice-Chancellors: Professor Felix F. Wu and Professor K. M. Cheng 吳復立教授及程介明教授獲委任為副校長
- CAMPUS NEWS,校園動態: Three HKU Professors win Prestigious Fellowship Prize 港大三位教授獲頒香港優秀科研學者奬
- CAMPUS NEWS,校園動態: The Hong Kong - Shanghai Information Network 滬港資訊網絡
- CAMPUS NEWS,校園動態: The HKU-Tsinghua Academic Exchange Centre 香港大學 - 清華大學學術交流中心
- CAMPUS NEWS,校園動態: The Completion of the T. T. Tsui Building 徐展堂樓落成啟用禮
- CAMPUS NEWS,校園動態: The 152nd Congregation and the 153rd Honorary Degrees Congregation 第一百五十二屆及第一百五十三屆(名譽) 學位頒授典禮
- RESEARCH,學術研究: Speech and language pathologists give new hope to the ten per cent of Hong Kong people with communication problems 香港近一成人口有溝通困難 言語病理學家帶來新希望
- CAMPUS NEWS,校園動態: Opening of the HKU Liaison Office at CAS and the Establishment of various Joint Laboratories 港大駐中國科學院聯絡處開幕多個聯合實驗室相繼成立
- CAMPUS NEWS,校園動態: Opening of the Dexter H C Man Building 文洪磋樓正式開幕
- CAMPUS NEWS,校園動態: Naming of the Yam Pak Building 任白樓正式命名
- RESEARCH,學術研究: Making Transgenic Animals - Technology for the 21st Century 轉基因老鼠奪造化之工 轉基因技術中心授新知
- RESEARCH,學術研究: Leading HKU expert unravels the chemistry of fat with anti-carcinogenic properties 脂肪酸能對抗致癌物質? 港大專家致力解開抗癌化學之謎
- CAMPUS NEWS,校園動態: HKU to receive donations from Dr Lee Shiu 港大獲李韶博士捐贈七百萬元支持教研工作
- CAMPUS NEWS,校園動態: HKU invited as a Founding Member of Universitas 21 港大獲邀成為廿一大學協會創會會員
- HKU Foundation
- RESEARCH,學術研究: Chinese Gourmet Chicken 港大創製超級「珍味雞」
- RESEARCH,學術研究: Blind Ambition: one man's quest to restore sight to the visually impaired 受損神經重生有望 失明人士復明可期
- RESEARCH,學術研究: Architecture & Dance - on the Podium Dance Project presented by Dancing City and the University of Hong Kong 建築與舞蹈 談舞城平台舞蹈工程
- CAMPUS NEWS,校園動態: 1996 Honorary University Fellowships Presentation 一九九六年度「名譽大學院士」頒授典禮