Island House, Yuen Chau Tsai, Tai Po 大埔元洲仔政務司官邸

When it was built in 1905, Island House stood on a small islet called Yuen Chau Tsai near the head of Tolo Harbours, which was connected to the mainland by a causeway. The two-storey plastered building with open verandas is a classic example of the colonial architecture at the turn of the century. It was erected as quarters for government officers and was long associated with the former New Territories Administration. It is now used by the World Wide Fund for Nature as a Conservation Studies Centre.前政務司官邸於1905年興建之時,坐落於吐露港一小島元洲仔上,原由一條基堤與陸地連接。官邸是兩層高建築,建有游廊,是一座二十世紀初的典型殖民地式建築。建築物原用作當時新界理民官宿舍之用,後改為政務司官邸,建築物與新界民政息息相關。現已改用作世界自然(香港)基金會的自然環境保護研究中心。
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