Kwun Tong Resettlement Estate 觀塘徙置區

Kwun Tong Resettlement Estate was built in the 1950s. It was the first resettlement estate developed in Kwun Tong, commonly known as “雞寮” (kai liu). The space of a flat in resettlement estate building was very small. There was no kitchen or washroom inside the flat. Residents had to cook outside the flat. Toilets and bathrooms were shared. There was even a public water tap room for cloth washing. The roof was commonly used as school classrooms and community activities area. Between 1980s and 1990s, the area was redeveloped into the present-day Tsui Ping Estate.觀塘徙置區於1950年代興建,是觀塘最早興建的徙置區,亦即俗稱的「雞寮」。當時徙置區的單位狹窄,煮食在屋外,浴室廁所亦是公用的,還有公用水喉房給居民洗衣服;天台作學校及社區活動之用。1980年代至1990年代,「雞寮」重建為現在的翠屏邨。
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