Kwong Fook I Tsz, Sheung Wan 上環廣福義祠
廣福義祠的背面。廣福義祠俗稱百姓廟,建於1850年代,用以供奉遠道來港謀生而客死異鄉的華人神位。祠內主祀地藏王,使亡魂得以安息。其後政府下令解散義祠組織,贈醫施藥善舉,交由新籌建的東華醫院統辦。現在,該廟正殿除供奉地藏菩薩外,亦供奉濟公活佛,後殿則是坊眾的百姓祠堂。Back of the Kwong Fook I Tsz. It is popularly known as the Pak Shing Temple. It was built in the 1850’s and had accommodated the ancestral tablets of the Mainland Chinese who died in Hong Kong after travelling a long way here to make a living. The Temple was dedicated to Kshitigarbha Buddha who bestows blessings on the deceased for their spirits to rest in peace. Later, the government ordered to dissolve the organization of the temple with its medical charity work passed to the management of the newly-established Tung Wah Hospital. Today the main hall of the temple is still dedicated to Kshitigarbha Buddha, and the rear hall still accommodates the ancestral tablets.