Wikileaks : changing the face of journalism and politics? ; Nobel Prize for Liu Xiaobo

For many, the award, and China's pressure on Norway and the Nobel Committee highlights the need for freedom of information. But in the long run, perhaps even more crucial to the cause of freedom of information will be the outcome of the controversy and legal tangles over one internet organisation: Wikileaks. With us in the program to discuss this are Hugo Restall of the Wall Street Journal, Jack Qiu who specialises in research on new media and society, and political scientist Professor Joseph Cheng. As we went to air, ambassadors, royalty and other VIPs were preparing to take their seats in Oslo's City Hall for the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. One chair was left empty … for this year's winner. Liu Xiaobo is serving an 11-year prison sentence in China on subversion charges brought after he co-authored a call for sweeping changes to Beijing's one-party communist political system.
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