West Kowloon Cultural Development bidders woo the media ; BBC's "Click Online" Internet Programme attends local 3G Conference ; Media issues at Archbold Legal Conference ; HK Jewish Film Festival
Now that the West Kowloon Cultural Development's been opened to public consultation, for the three consortia still in the running, and for other pressure groups, it seems to be a case of "grab them via the media and the public opinion will follow". But is the public relations campaign going too far in trying to woo the media?
Just a few years ago everyone was talking about how 3G was going to be the next big thing in mobile phones. The public remains less than convinced. This week Hong Kong hosted the 3G World Congress and Exhibition 2004, and Stephen Cole, the presenter of the BBC's internet programme "Click Online" was a moderator.
Last Saturday, Sweet & Maxwell the publisher of the legal reference "Archbold" held a conference on criminal law in Hong Kong. As well as discussions on terrorism, on confiscation of ill-gotten goods, and on the defendant's right to silence, media issues were also on the agenda.
And in Movie Watch, organiser Howard Elias talks about the Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival.