
Looks at the preservation work on old buildings in Hong Kong. Reviews the history of the Western Market which was built in 1906. Explains the renovation work done to convert this building into a tourist attraction after it became a Declared Monument in 1990. Also shows efforts of a lecturer who documents by pen and on film the figurines on the rooftop of historical buildings. Presents Kom Tong Hall, an example of a successful joint preservation effort of the government, public and property owner. Shows how villagers revert a 170-year-old heritage hall in Sheung Shui back to its original state. 介紹香港的古建築: 建於1906年現名為西港城的上環街市, 1938年落成的中環街市, 大夫第的屋頂裝飾, 中區警署、前中央裁判司署及域多利監獄古蹟群, 改為孫中山博物館的甘棠第. 在1976年,政府實施古物古蹟條例, 並成立了古物古蹟辦事處, 負責鑑定有價值的建築, 及安排保護、修葺及維修工作, 在八十年代修復了建於乾隆16年(1751)位於上水鄉的廖萬石堂, 又把中環的美利樓拆卸後在赤柱以原貌重建. 在香港古建築的保護過程中, 可體現出香港人的價值.
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