講耶穌 : 傳道人
Johnny who is a missionary explains the nature, scope and targets of his sport ministry. A graduate in Economics, he worked a couple of years in the field before enrolling in a seminary. He then began coaching basketball, football and badminton in schools, training centres, community groups, church and semi-professional league. His team members share their impressions of this Christian coach. Some say he is more like a coach or a social worker than a missionary and appreciate his non-intrusive and non-coercive way of spreading the gospel. Also shows him teaching sport ministry at a seminary.
一般人對傳道人工作的範圍都是在教會內, 很嚴蕭, 不苟言笑, 通俗的說叫講耶穌. 一個自小出身於基督教家庭, 十多歲才真真正正踏上信仰的道路, 到全身投入宗教, 成為傳道人, 為了讓更多的人, 觸到福音, 他以另一種的方法傳福音. 有沒有想過打籃球, 打羽毛球, 都是一種傳福音的方法? 這位傳道人, 就用運動來傳福音. 今日的傳道人, 再不單單只是手執聖經, 而是走出教會, 走進人群,以不同的方法, 將福音傳揚.