進出口大王 : 馮國綸

Originally released as a television broadcast on 25 June 2006. William Fung Kwok-lun (Group Managing Director, Li & Fung Limited) says he was reluctant at first to joint the family business. His first major job upon joining was to inject professional management into the company and get it listed. Fung explains why he later took the company private and re-listed it in 1992. He explains how he and his brother, Victor Fung Kwok-king, share duties in the company. William shares his supply chain management philosophy and says competition nowadays is between supply chains, not just companies. He says Hong Kongʼs role should be a business and control centre for China. 馮國綸博士是利豐集團董事總經理, 利豐這家將近有一百年歷史的貿易公司, 是馮博士家族第三代的生意. 他協助集團轉變成一間跨國貿易公司, 採購網伸展至超過三十多個國家, 每年營業額超過數十億美元. 他繼承了父親的觀點 : 管理是一條雙程道, 你照顧員工, 員工自會照顧你. 同樣重要的是, 人非機器, 沒有人可以把工作效率永遠維持在百分之一百的. 要管理一間地域上分隔甚遠的公司, 關鍵是經常為員工提供優良的培訓, 及保持緊密的聯繫和溝通, 團隊合作相當重要. 馮博士表示利豐是在運作一間實際上存在的全球性的「無煙無形」工廠, 在競爭劇烈的地區中, 利豐是服務行業的典範. In Cantonese with Chinese subtitles.
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