得利環球有限公司創辦人兼總裁 : 楊志強

Originally released as a television broadcast on 09 July 2006. Joseph Yeung Chi-keung (Founder and President, CK Yeung Worldwide Limited) explains his management philosophy, the meaning behind the Chinese name of his company and why he chose to go into the metal trading business. He compares steel manufacturing to experience in life and observes that managing business is in reality managing people. Being an avid photographer, Yeung supports the development of art and culture. He explains why he wants his staff to have acting experience. He shares the event that most affected his life's philosophy. Shows him talking to high school students about starting and maintaining one's own business. 白手興家的楊志強, 最初創業時的寫字樓是以家中的廚房充當而成, 他鎖定了五金貿易為他的生意, 為了解決锈鐵問題, 投放資源做好物流, 而造就了公司業務迅速發展. 當公司為楊志強帶來財富的時候, 他決定回饋社會, 將個人嗜好與慈善合而為一, 造福人群. In Cantonese with Chinese subtitles.
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