The Hunter’s Arms, Fanling 粉嶺「鄧裕興樓」
Hunt members gathering at the entrance of their popular clubhouse named ’Hunters’ Arms’. The building was leased to the Fanling Hunt for clubhouse use since 1926 until 1941. The location of this two-storey Chinese style building is equivalent to the present Jockey Club Road in Fanling.粉嶺狩獵會的會員攝於「鄧裕興」樓門前。「鄧裕興」樓位於粉嶺十字路口即現今的馬會道,是一所中國式兩層高的樓房。1926年粉嶺狩獵會租用為其會所 (Hunter’s Arms) 直至1941年。