電鑽大王 : 鍾志平

Originally released as a television broadcast on 14 May 2006. Roy Chung Chi-ping (Group Managing Director, Techtronic Industries Company Limited) tells how his company developed in 20 years from a company with 5 employees to one of the largest electric drill manufacturers in the world. He explains how he shares duties with his partner, company chairman Horst Julius Pudwill. Chung shares his success concept, his view on competition, how he solves the company's brain-drain problem and what he does to relax himself. He says curiosity and passion plus a bit of luck are important success factors for an entrepreneur. 有電鑽大王之稱的鍾志平, 1966年隻身由澳門來港, 從打工仔做起, 憑住滿腔熱誠和決心, 毅然與朋友合作創立出產電器的「創科實業有限公司」, 由最初五名員工的小型公司到穩佔全球七成的電鑽銷售量; 由彈丸之地到全球企業網絡, 成就一段香港商業傳奇. 節目內鍾志平先生會細道如何鑽研出自己的成功大道. In Cantonese with Chinese subtitles.
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