Arrival of Sir Henry May for the position of Governor of Hong Kong 梅含理爵士來港擔任港督

Sir Francis Henry May (14 March 1860 - 6 February 1922) was a British colonial administrator who was Governor of Hong Kong from 1912 to 1918. May was the only Hong Kong Governor to be the target of an assassination attempt. He was fired upon near the General Post Office as he rode in a sedan chair after arriving from Fiji in July 1912. May was not injured; the bullet lodged in the sedan of his wife. May married Helena Barker in 1891 and they had four daughters. Governor May and his wife are seen in 1912 on their arrival in Hong Kong being carried in sedan chairs as the entourage passes the statue of the Duke of Connaught shortly before an assassin fired on the Governor as he was about to pass the General Post Office at the cornor of Pedder Street and Connaught Praya.
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