Frank Fischbeck Collection

The Frank Fischbeck Collection consists of a number of photographic formats that comprise albumen prints, silver gelatin prints, historic panorama prints, B&W and colour photographs, negatives, slides, transparencies and glass plates, which provide a visual record of the Hong Kong story from 1860 to the 2000s. The Collection embodies a broad array of photographic material covering the vast expanse of heritage, culture, traditions and religions across Hong Kong and Asia.

The Collection is based on the FormAsia Books archive that HKUL acquired in September 2019. FormAsia Books Managing Director Mr Frank Fischbeck, captivated by the city, Hong Kong has been his home since the 1960s. As a photojournalist, it came as second nature to chronicle the city’s evolution as it unfolded before him over succeeding decades. Together with his extensive travels throughout the region, this has resulted in a collection of some 24,000 images that have recorded and preserved Hong Kong’s modern history as well as the immense diversity of Asia’s cultural heritage. Extending his career into publishing through FormAsia Books, Frank has also acquired and curated more than 1,200 sepia photographs that form part of the FormAsia Books archive, and which meticulously document Hong Kong’s history from 1860 to the1960s, resulting in a visual record of the city’s evolution from its earliest years to the present day.

The acquisition of the FormAsia Books archive has been made possible through generous donations from benefactors eager to see the collection remain in Hong Kong, intact and based at HKU. We are deeply indebted to the following for the unprecedented support:

donors image


1 - 10 of 14094
"An gang xian fa" celebration (propaganda poster) 慶祝鞍鋼憲法 (宣傳畫)

1. "An gang xian fa" celebration (propaganda poster) 慶祝鞍鋼憲法 (宣傳畫)






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