玩具大王 : 蔡志明

Originally released as a television broadcast on 21 May 2006. Francis Choi Chee-ming (Chairman, Early Light International (Holdings) Limited) tells how he started his toy business and made his first pot of gold by selling Peanut characters fitted with parachutes that he designed himself. Choi says salaries for research and development staff now constitute over 50% of his firm's total payroll. Shows the complex electronic toys that his factory currently produces. Choi says because he enjoys reading about the economy, he was able to catch the economic downturn of 1998 and made big gains investing in real estate. Shows his collection of over 30 exotic and rare cars. "身家超過40億的玩具大王蔡志明, 在英國大學畢業之後, 當上玩具推銷員, 幾年後開始創業, 1972年成立旭日國際集團, 開拓自己事業, 經多年艱苦努力下, 成功獲得多款世界名牌玩具的生產權, 因而奠定玩具大王的地位. 近年, 更染指酒店業和保健產品等等, 將旭日國際集團的規模不斷擴大. 今集《香港的驕傲》與大家分享這位商業奇才的創業歷程及驕人成就." In Cantonese with Chinese subtitles.
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