Drafting Materials

The Drafting Materials database houses a collection of almost 900 documents prepared or used by various official bodies and individuals from 1985 to 1990, when the Basic Law was drafted until promulgation, and from 1990 to 1997, when preparations were made for the resumption of sovereignty. The collection was assembled and scanned from documents publicly available in Hong Kong. The materials are mostly in the Chinese language, although some English materials are available. The Search function allows full-text searching of the contents and meta-data of each document, and also searching in the title, author and document number fields. Advanced searching can narrow the pool of documents to be searched by official body, document type, language, meeting date and/or document date. Users can also Browse the database by author, date, official body and draft versions of the Basic Law. Search results appear in chronological order by document date.

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10 small enterprises in Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories港九新界十個小商販社團
19 BLCC members19名諮委
190 individuals一百九十人
57 BLCC members57名諮委
An Zijie安子介
Bak Sun Study Group北辰學社
BLCC Sub-group on Business and Professional基本法諮詢委員會工商專業界諮委
Chan Johannes陳文敏
Chen Albert陳弘毅
Cheng Gary程介南
Cheng Joseph鄭宇碩
Cheung Chun-kwok張振國
Cheung Pak-chi張柏枝
Chow Kenneth鄒燦基
Chow Nelson周永新
Chu Cho-ham朱祖涵
Chung Sze-yuen鍾士元
Dr Nihal Jayawickrama
Gu Sing-hui古星輝
Ha Fr. Louis夏其龍
Ho Albert何俊仁
Ho Raymond何鍾泰
Hong Kong and Kowloon Education Association港九教育協會
Hong Kong Christian Council基督教協進會
Hong Kong Democracy Promotion Association香港民主政治促進會
Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers香港教育工作者聯會
Hong Kong Federation of Students香港專上學生聯會
Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors香港測量師學會
Hong Kong newspapers香港報刊
Hu Sheng胡繩
Huang Rayson黃麗松
Ji Pengfei姬鵬飛
Kan Fook-yee簡福飴
Kuan Hsin-chi關信基
Lambourn J.S.
Lau Siu-kai劉兆佳
Lau Wong-fat劉皇發
Lee Martin李柱銘
Lee Shun-wai李順威
Legal Affairs Group of Hong Kong Affairs Society太平山學會法制組
Leung Siu-tong梁兆棠
Li Fook-sean Simon李福善
Li Fred李華明
Lingnan College嶺南學院
Louie Kin Shuen雷競旋
Meeting Point匯點
Ming Pao明報
Modernization Association現代化協會
Ng Siu-pang吳少鵬
Ngai Siu-kit倪少杰
Pao Y. K.包玉剛
Public Policy Committee公共政策委員會
Qian Qichen錢其琛
Sin Ming-lun洗銘倫
So Wai-chak蘇偉澤
Tai Benny戴耀廷
Tai Keen-man戴健文
Tam Yiu-chung譚耀宗
The Basic Law Committee of Meeting Point匯點基本法跟進小組
Tien James田北俊
Tong Albert唐一柱
Tso Wung-wai曹宏威
Wan Kwok-sing溫國勝
Wang Hanbin王漢斌
Wong Wing-yan黃永恩
Xiang Chunyi項淳一
Xin wei-si辛維思
Zee Sze-yong, Shane徐是雄
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