Legco Database

This database contains the official reports of proceedings of the Hong Kong Legislative Council (LegCo) meetings in which issues related to the Basic Law and drafting process were debated. The database covers five LegCo sessions from 1986 to 1991. In this period none of the legislators were directly elected. Elections for functional constituency legislators were held in 1985 and 1988. The Search function allows full-text searching of the contents and meta-data of each document, and also searching in the title, motion/question, summary, and document number fields. Advanced searching can narrow the pool of documents to be searched by document type and/or date(s). Users can also Browse by year. Search results appear in chronological order by document date.

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Address by his Excellency the Govenor

1. Address by his Excellency the Govenor


Document Number: Legco001

Hansard Date: 1986-10-08

Pages: 10-11

Moving Speakers: Governor (Edward Youde)

Summary: The discussion on political reform was being mentioned.

Assessment of public opinion on review of representative government
In view of the fact that the Green Paper on the 1987 review of representative government is to be published shortly, will Government inform this Council whether it has any plan to set up an office to assess public opinion on the Green Paper, and if so, whether it would be independent from Government?

Document Number: Legco002

Hansard Date: 1987-02-18

Pages: 11-11

Moving Speakers: Dr. Lam

Other Speakers: Mr. Hui, Chief Secretary (David Robert Ford)

Summary: Arrangement of the Government to collect public opinion in response to the Green paper on review of representative government

OFFICIAL LANGUAGES (AMENDMENT) BILL 1986 -- Resumption of debate on Second Reading (3 December 1986)
Second Reading of: 'A Bill to amend the Official Languages Ordinance' and Second Reading of: 'A Bill to amend the interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance'.

Document Number: Legco003

Hansard Date: 1987-03-25

Pages: 41-44

Moving Speakers: Attorney General (Michael David Thomas)

Other Speakers: Ms. Tam, Mr. Yu-Tai Lee

Summary: Bilingual development of law

IMMIGRATION (AMENDMENT) (NO.2) BILL 1987 -- Second Reading
Second Reading of 'A Bill to amend the Immigration Ordinance'.

Document Number: Legco004

Hansard Date: 1987-04-08

Pages: 24-28

Moving Speakers: Secretary for Security (Michael Leung)

Summary: Right of Abode of HK residents was introduced

IMMIGRATION (AMENDMENT) (NO. 2) BILL 1987 -- Resumption of debate on Second Reading (8 April 1987)
Second Reading of 'A Bill to amend the Immigration Ordinance'.

Document Number: Legco005

Hansard Date: 1987-05-27

Pages: 26-38

Moving Speakers: Secretary for Security (Michael Leung)

Other Speakers: Mr. Cheong-Leen, Mr. Tam, Mr. Swaine, Mr. Yu-Tai Lee, Mr. Andrew Wong

Summary: Right of Abode of HK residents was introduced

The 1987 Review of Developments in Representative Government—May 1987

Document Number: Legco006

Hansard Date: 1987-05-27

Pages: 47-50

Moving Speakers: Chief Secretary (David Robert Ford)

Summary: Government published a green paper to collect public opinion on political reform

Prosecutions under section 27 of the Public Order Ordinance
With regard to (a) the recent publication by the Overseas edition of Outlook Magazine of a statement attributed to Mr. LI Hou, the Secretary General of the Basic Law Drafting Committee that the introduction of direct elections in 1988 will be a breach of the spirit of the Joint Declaration, which statement was distributed by the Xinhua News Agency to a number of journalists in Hong Kong and, which statement was subsequently denied by Mr. LI Hou as having been made by him; and (b) the publication of an article in the Hong Kong Standard on 20 June 1987 entitled 'Keep your nose out, Britain tells China', in which certain statements were attributed to 'a Foreign Office spokesman' which statements were later denied by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office as having been made by them; will the Administration inform this Council as to the following: (1) whether any prosecutions will be instituted under section 27 of the Public Order Ordinance in relation to the publication of each of the said statements with regard to: (a) the falsity of the news; (b) the publication thereof; and (c) the likelihood to cause alarm to the public or a section thereof; (2) whether any investigation has been conducted or is being conducted by the law enforcement agencies in relation to the said publications?

Document Number: Legco007

Hansard Date: 1987-07-08

Pages: 8-12

Moving Speakers: Mr. Martin Lee

Other Speakers: Dr. Lam, Mr. Jackie Chan, Attorney General (Michael David Thomas), Mr. Desmond Lee

Summary: Whether the press which published a Chinese official's opinion on political reform, which was subeequently denied, would be prosecuted under the Public Order Ordinance

That the Film Censorship Regulations 1987, published as Legal Notice No. 154 of 1987 and laid on the table of the Legislative Council on 10th June 1987 be amended as follows濲 'In regulation 3A by deleting paragraph (vii)'.

Document Number: Legco008

Hansard Date: 1987-07-08

Pages: 58-93

Moving Speakers: Mr. Martin Lee

Other Speakers: Mr. Yeung, Mrs. Tam, Mrs. Fan, Mr. Desmond Lee, Mr. Szeto Wah, Dr. Lam, Mr. ying-Lun Chan, Mr. Kam-Chuen Chan, Mr. Cheong, Dr. Tse, Dr. Ho, Mr. Sohmen, Attorney General (Michael David Thomas), Mr. Andrew Wong, Chief Secretary (David Robert Ford)

Summary: The effect of the motion was to revoke the power of the censor to refuse to approve the exhibition of a film when he is of the opinion that the showing of the film in a public place 'would damage good relations with other territories.'

That this Council takes note of the Green Paper: The 1987 Review of Developments in Representative Government.

Document Number: Legco009

Hansard Date: 1987-07-15

Pages: 16-80

Moving Speakers: Ms. Dunn

Other Speakers: Mr. Ip, Mr. Yeung, Mr. Kam-Chuen Chan, Mr. Peter Poon, Mr. Jackie Chan, Mr. Cham, Mrs. Fan, Mrs. Chow, Mr. Cheong-Leen, Mr. Peter Wong, Mr. ying-Lun Chan, Mr. Chen, Mr. Hu, Ms. Tam, Mr. Cheng, Dr. Ho, Mrs. Ng

Summary: Members expressed opinions on the Green Paper on the review of representative government.

That this Council takes note of the Green Paper: The 1988 Review of Developments in Representative Government.

Document Number: Legco010

Hansard Date: 1987-07-16

Pages: 3-81

Moving Speakers: Ms. Dunn

Other Speakers: Prof. Poon, Mr. Szeto, Mr. Martin Lee, Dr. Lam, Dr. Chiu, Mr. Hui, Mr. Lai, Mr. Sohmen, Mr. Tai, Mr. Liu, Mr. Chung, Mrs Tam, Mr. Chi-Fai Poon, Mr. Lau, Mr. Andrew Wong, Mr. Clydesdale, Mr. Pang, Chief Secretary (David Robert Ford), Mr. Ngai, Mr. Li, Mr. Ho, Dr. Tse, Mr. Allen Lee

Summary: Members expressed opinions on the Green Paper on the review of representative government.

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