

得利環球有限公司創辦人兼總裁 : 楊志強

得利環球有限公司創辦人兼總裁 : 楊志強


Originally released as a television broadcast on 09 July 2006. Joseph Yeung Chi-keung (Founder and President, CK Yeung Worldwide Limited) explains his management philosophy, the meaning behind the Chinese name of his company and why he chose to go into the metal trading business. He compares steel manufacturing to experience in life and observes that managing business is in reality managing people. Being an avid photographer, Yeung supports the development of art and culture. He explains why he wants his staff to have acting experience. He shares the event that most affected his life's philosophy. Shows him talking to high school students about starting and maintaining one's own business. 白手興家的楊志強, 最初創業時的寫字樓是以家中的廚房充當而成, 他鎖定了五金貿易為他的生意, 為了解決锈鐵問題, 投放資源做好物流, 而造就了公司業務迅速發展. 當公司為楊志強帶來財富的時候, 他決定回饋社會, 將個人嗜好與慈善合而為一, 造福人群. In Cantonese with Chinese subtitles.

電池大王: 羅仲榮

電池大王: 羅仲榮


Originally released as a television broadcast on 02 July 2006. Victor Lo Chung-wing (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Gold Peak Industrial (Holding) Limited) says his father is a risk taker who decided to manufacture batteries and started the company when he was 60 years old. Lo explains why the battery industry is a good business to be in and how he positions his company among the major manufacturers of the world. He describes the difficulties in establishing a brand name. Lo talks about his objectives in his various public posts. Shows him giving career advice to university students and sharing his experience of success. 本集訪問的節目主人是羅仲榮, 了解他如何將家族經營的中小型企業發展成為享譽中外的工業集團, 集團旗下所生產的GP超霸電池, 更成為中國三大電池品牌之一, 並名列世界十大電池製造商, 創造香港的驕傲. 而羅仲榮亦是香港特別行政區行政會議非官守議員, 並身兼香港科技園公司董事局主席, 他又如何將個人成功的企業管理文化融入政治管理及創新科技範疇內. In Cantonese with Chinese subtitles.

進出口大王 : 馮國綸

進出口大王 : 馮國綸


Originally released as a television broadcast on 25 June 2006. William Fung Kwok-lun (Group Managing Director, Li & Fung Limited) says he was reluctant at first to joint the family business. His first major job upon joining was to inject professional management into the company and get it listed. Fung explains why he later took the company private and re-listed it in 1992. He explains how he and his brother, Victor Fung Kwok-king, share duties in the company. William shares his supply chain management philosophy and says competition nowadays is between supply chains, not just companies. He says Hong Kongʼs role should be a business and control centre for China. 馮國綸博士是利豐集團董事總經理, 利豐這家將近有一百年歷史的貿易公司, 是馮博士家族第三代的生意. 他協助集團轉變成一間跨國貿易公司, 採購網伸展至超過三十多個國家, 每年營業額超過數十億美元. 他繼承了父親的觀點 : 管理是一條雙程道, 你照顧員工, 員工自會照顧你. 同樣重要的是, 人非機器, 沒有人可以把工作效率永遠維持在百分之一百的. 要管理一間地域上分隔甚遠的公司, 關鍵是經常為員工提供優良的培訓, 及保持緊密的聯繫和溝通, 團隊合作相當重要. 馮博士表示利豐是在運作一間實際上存在的全球性的「無煙無形」工廠, 在競爭劇烈的地區中, 利豐是服務行業的典範. In Cantonese with Chinese subtitles.

塑機大王 : 蔣震

塑機大王 : 蔣震


Originally released as a television broadcast on 04 June 2006. Chiang Chen (Chairman, Chen Hsong Holdings Limited and Chiang Chen Industrial Charity Foundation) tells how he started his company that makes plastic injection moulding machines and the difficulties he encountered at the beginning. Explains why he donated his entire Chen Hsong shareholding to establish a charity foundation and what he expects to achieve with the charity. Chiang talks about his hobbies and his goals yet to achieve. His daughter Chiang Lai-yuen (Chief Executive Officer, Chen Hsong Holdings Limited) talks about the difficulties the company has faced when it first entered China and how the Internet has helped her company's business. 蔣震博士, 香港震雄工業集團有限公司主席. 26歲來港做過不少勞動力工作, 1956年轉做飛機工程, 從此與機械結下不解緣. 當年隨著塑膠業的急速發展, 專注做注塑膠機械的震雄亦都同步起飛, 企業不斷壯大, 到現在已成為全球注塑機銷售量最大生產商之一, 擁有超過3000名員工, 每年營業額平均達19億港元. 究竟蔣博士的成功背後是否有什麼玄機? 對擁有輝煌事業、 偉大善心、 兒孫成群、 生活寫意的蔣博士而言, 又會有什麼未達成的目標或生活上的追求. In Cantonese with Chinese subtitles.

新一代金王 : 林世榮

新一代金王 : 林世榮


Originally released as a television broadcast on 28 May 2006. Lam Sai-wing (Chairman, Hang Fung Gold Technology Group, Founder of 3-D Gold) talks about how he fled to Hong Kong from China and made his first pot of gold from selling silver jewelry. He says his business took off after he constructed the Guinness-record solid gold toilet in his shop. Lam talks about how he invests and manages his wealth and his business. He shares his view on the future of the gold market and says his dream is to have 1,000 branches of his shop in 100 cities. He adores former Chinese Premier Deng Xiaoping. 金王林世榮先生, 生於一個七代為官的家庭, 1977年, 他聽到當時內地好流行的一句說話: 「香港有金執喎」, 就毅然隻身偷渡來香港, 在同鄉的介紹下, 當上打金學徒, 兩年後就以300元積蓄創業, 其後更創立恆豐金業集團, 正式走入他的黃金年代. 之後, 他一揮千金打造了全球最貴的「金廁所」, 令他聲名大噪, 更成為蜚聲國際的旅遊點, 亦鞏固了他的「金業王國」. 今集會探索林世榮先生的投資理財之道, 如何一步一步實現他的黃金夢. In Cantonese with Chinese subtitles.

玩具大王 : 蔡志明

玩具大王 : 蔡志明


Originally released as a television broadcast on 21 May 2006. Francis Choi Chee-ming (Chairman, Early Light International (Holdings) Limited) tells how he started his toy business and made his first pot of gold by selling Peanut characters fitted with parachutes that he designed himself. Choi says salaries for research and development staff now constitute over 50% of his firm's total payroll. Shows the complex electronic toys that his factory currently produces. Choi says because he enjoys reading about the economy, he was able to catch the economic downturn of 1998 and made big gains investing in real estate. Shows his collection of over 30 exotic and rare cars. "身家超過40億的玩具大王蔡志明, 在英國大學畢業之後, 當上玩具推銷員, 幾年後開始創業, 1972年成立旭日國際集團, 開拓自己事業, 經多年艱苦努力下, 成功獲得多款世界名牌玩具的生產權, 因而奠定玩具大王的地位. 近年, 更染指酒店業和保健產品等等, 將旭日國際集團的規模不斷擴大. 今集《香港的驕傲》與大家分享這位商業奇才的創業歷程及驕人成就." In Cantonese with Chinese subtitles.

電鑽大王 : 鍾志平

電鑽大王 : 鍾志平


Originally released as a television broadcast on 14 May 2006. Roy Chung Chi-ping (Group Managing Director, Techtronic Industries Company Limited) tells how his company developed in 20 years from a company with 5 employees to one of the largest electric drill manufacturers in the world. He explains how he shares duties with his partner, company chairman Horst Julius Pudwill. Chung shares his success concept, his view on competition, how he solves the company's brain-drain problem and what he does to relax himself. He says curiosity and passion plus a bit of luck are important success factors for an entrepreneur. 有電鑽大王之稱的鍾志平, 1966年隻身由澳門來港, 從打工仔做起, 憑住滿腔熱誠和決心, 毅然與朋友合作創立出產電器的「創科實業有限公司」, 由最初五名員工的小型公司到穩佔全球七成的電鑽銷售量; 由彈丸之地到全球企業網絡, 成就一段香港商業傳奇. 節目內鍾志平先生會細道如何鑽研出自己的成功大道. In Cantonese with Chinese subtitles.

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