《香港華商特藏》包含超過4,500 冊釘裝賬簿和年結冊,並有大量商務及私人文檔,前者包括會計文件、進支紀錄、交易紀錄、股票、按揭文件、銀行結單、存匯票據、發貨單、收據、合同、法律文件、證書、信件、通告、相片、名片等,都是香港華商於 19 世紀後期至20世紀中從事各項商業或社團活動積存下來的文檔。當中有廣為人知的商號如聯益行、華南印務公司、余仁生、余東旋有限公司、廣生行、華英昌等,並有超過 200 間從事各行各業的大小商號。私人文檔方面則包括契約、訟事文件、禮俗文書、家譜、手稿、信件、證件、相片、賀卡、請柬等等,均屬於與商號相關的個人及其家族的物件,當中包括顯赫商人馬叙朝、黃世河、張進霖、陳芝璇、陳芷香、鄺吉堂及其他。這批獨特的檔案,對研究香港華商的商業活動,以至過去百多年來香港的社會、經濟、政治、文化習俗等的歷史,都是極珍貴的資源。
香港大學圖書館挑選及數碼化部份藏品,以供海內外各界人士瀏覽、參考及研究,詳細目錄亦已整理並上載於 ArchivesSpace 。本項目獲香港大學知識交流2022/2023年度影響力項目資助, 並由中文學院及大學圖書館跨部門合作研發。
The Hong Kong Chinese Merchants Collection comprises over 4,500 volumes of bound account books and year-end closing books as well as countless business materials, such as ledger books, income and expense logbooks, trade records, shares, mortgage papers, legal papers, certificates, business correspondence, and more. These materials were owned by the business firms of Hong Kong Chinese merchants, collected over the course of the business and community activities they were involved in during the late-19th to mid-20th century. They include some large and well-known firms at the time, like Luen Yick Hong, Wah Nam Printing Co., Eu Yan Sang, Eu Tong Sen Ltd., Kwong Sang Hong and Wah Ying Cheong, and over 200 large and small shops engaged in various kinds of business. Apart from business documents, the Collection also includes a great number of private materials such as contracts, litigation documents, various etiquette documents, genealogy, manuscripts, letters, certificates, photographs, greeting cards, invitation cards, etc., which belonged to individuals and their families related to the above firms. Mr. Ma Tsui Chiu, a prominent businessman, Mr. Wong Sai Ho, Mr. Cheung Tsun Lam, Mr. Chan Chee Suen, Mr. Chan Chi Heung, Mr. Kwong Kut Tong are some of the examples. The Collection provides researchers with a unique wealth of knowledge on the business activities of the Chinese merchants in Hong Kong and is an important first-hand source for those who wish to explore the social, economic, political and cultural history of Hong Kong of more than a hundred years back.
The University of Hong Kong Libraries has selected and digitized parts of the collection to share with people from all over the world to explore, study, and conduct researches. The detailed content lists have been organized and uploaded to ArchivesSpace . This project was supported by the HKU Knowledge Exchange Funding 2022/23 for Impact Project and developed by the School of Chinese and the University Libraries.
declaratory documents
declaratory documents
1950 - 1960
declaratory documents
drafts (documents)
drafts (documents)